The days are coming faster now, what felt like dragging, now feels a bit like, "oh it's Wednesday already?" My resolve is still firm, but I have moments of nostalgia when I think about milestones and rites of passage, like class field trips without parents, eating lunch with your friends, sharing in fun group projects, playing jeopardy with the class to review for tests, all those fun things you do as part of a group. It will be okay, I will band with other home-school parents, and try to fill those gaps, but it will be different. There's no getting around that.
I picked up her curriculum today. Being obsessive about my prep work, I had already been through it a few times online. I had it printed out so that it's at my finger tips, that way I don't overlook anything. I'm excited, but also feeling a little like, "ok here it is, time to walk the walk." I still need to go through everything and make a system, now that I have everything I need. They have their system, and I am happy to follow that, but I want to add some things of my own that work well for us.
Kelsey's teacher at her old school has been awesome throughout everything. She's been helping me to get the things Kelsey needs, and letting me know what did work for them in class, and what didn't. I'm forever grateful for her help and support. She could have just washed her hands of us, but she didn't and has been such a blessing.
Tomorrow we have an appointment to meet her new teacher. I'm pulling her out of class that day to meet her. Wish us luck! That's about it.
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