Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Case of the Mundays on a Tuesday? Sadly, yes.

Kelsey did a great job today. She is working hard. It just took FOREVER. I have got to work on my time management skills, or figure out what work is not necessary. There is NO way they wanted her work to take nearly 6 hours. (7 with lunch and having to leave to go get the other kiddo from preschool). She is loving solving her math on a number line. We practice many ways to solve problems, but that is by far her favorite. She loves math. That makes me happy. She however, does not love writing. She is like the opposite of me in practically every way. Good for her. That should help her more in life. :) I kid, I kid....

On another note, I want to express my hatred for sport suspensions and terrible car seats, specifically Acura's. I fell asleep on the ride home from our field trip yesterday in an Acura (this is a sore subject as my hubby works for them - I HATE their cars, they make me carsick, and their lumbar is in the wrong place so I always feel beaten up when ever I get out of them, i.e. it hurts my back, and I am very uncomfortable) So yesterday I fell asleep (this is ironic, because they aren't comfortable), and woke up to a seriously aching and stiff neck. I barely slept last night because it hurt. So I am tired and cranky today. And it still hurts. I no longer can turn my head very far without a radiating pain and a feeling of heat radiating from the spot that hurts. Thanks, Acura. Ok, complaint over.

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